Bianca Chang

Bianca Chang



dans les plis




veine quand s’amorce l’espace



suspend dans la lumière


looms high




Bianca Chang


à lire : l’article consacré à Bianca Chang

Sydney based designer and paper artist Bianca Chang creates beautiful, intricate and mind-boggling paper sculptures which I recently noticed popping up all over the place. In fact, you might remember that I blogged about Bianca’s work back here. With so much attention and well deserved success already, it is surprising to discover that Bianca started to seriously explore the paper medium fairly recently, having participated in the A4 Paper Festival  about a month ago (check out this great video she prepared for the festival.)


Bianca chang @yellowtrace

Publié par Lamber Savi

Défiance créative: peindre, écrire, traduire, simplement suivre les bulles du courant

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